viernes, 21 de febrero de 2014

Escala de Beaufort (Beaufort scale)

This scale is very useful to decide wether the conditions are good for sailing or not.

Beaufort number Description Wind speed Wave height Sea conditions Land conditions Sea state photo Associated Warning Flag
0 Calm < 1 km/h 0 m Flat. Calm. Smoke rises vertically. Beaufort scale 0.jpg
< 1 mph
< 1 knot 0 ft
< 0.3 m/s
1 Light air 1.1–5.5 km/h 0–0.2 m Ripples without crests. Smoke drift indicates wind direction. Leaves and wind vanes are stationary. Beaufort scale 1.jpg
1–3 mph
1–3 knot 0–1 ft
0.3–1.5 m/s
2 Light breeze 5.6–11 km/h 0.2–0.5 m Small wavelets. Crests of glassy appearance, not breaking Wind felt on exposed skin. Leaves rustle. Wind vanes begin to move. Beaufort scale 2.jpg
4–7 mph
4–6 knot 1–2 ft
1.6–3.4 m/s
3 Gentle breeze 12–19 km/h 0.5–1 m Large wavelets. Crests begin to break; scattered whitecaps Leaves and small twigs constantly moving, light flags extended. Beaufort scale 3.jpg
8–12 mph
7–10 knot 2–3.5 ft
3.5–5.4 m/s
4 Moderate breeze 20–28 km/h 1–2 m Small waves with breaking crests. Fairly frequent whitecaps. Dust and loose paper raised. Small branches begin to move. Beaufort scale 4.jpg
13–17 mph
11–16 knot 3.5–6 ft
5.5–7.9 m/s
5 Fresh breeze 29–38 km/h 2–3 m Moderate waves of some length. Many whitecaps. Small amounts of spray. Branches of a moderate size move. Small trees in leaf begin to sway. Beaufort scale 5.jpg
18–24 mph
17–21 knot 6–9 ft
8.0–10.7 m/s
6 Strong breeze 39–49 km/h 3–4 m Long waves begin to form. White foam crests are very frequent. Some airborne spray is present. Large branches in motion. Whistling heard in overhead wires. Umbrella use becomes difficult. Empty plastic bins tip over. Beaufort scale 6.jpg Gale pennant.svg
25–30 mph
22–27 knot 9–13 ft
10.8–13.8 m/s
7 High wind,
moderate gale,
near gale
50–61 km/h 4–5.5 m Sea heaps up. Some foam from breaking waves is blown into streaks along wind direction. Moderate amounts of airborne spray. Whole trees in motion. Effort needed to walk against the wind. Beaufort scale 7.jpg
31–38 mph
28–33 knot 13–19 ft
13.9–17.1 m/s
8 Gale,
fresh gale
62–74 km/h 5.5–7.5 m Moderately high waves with breaking crests forming spindrift. Well-marked streaks of foam are blown along wind direction. Considerable airborne spray. Some twigs broken from trees. Cars veer on road. Progress on foot is seriously impeded. Beaufort scale 8.jpg Gale pennant.svg
Gale pennant.svg
39–46 mph
34–40 knot 18–25 ft
17.2–20.7 m/s
9 Strong gale 75–88 km/h 7–10 m High waves whose crests sometimes roll over. Dense foam is blown along wind direction. Large amounts of airborne spray may begin to reduce visibility. Some branches break off trees, and some small trees blow over. Construction/temporary signs and barricades blow over. Beaufort scale 9.jpg
47–54 mph
41–47 knot 23–32 ft
20.8–24.4 m/s
10 Storm,
whole gale
89–102 km/h 9–12.5 m Very high waves with overhanging crests. Large patches of foam from wave crests give the sea a white appearance. Considerable tumbling of waves with heavy impact. Large amounts of airborne spray reduce visibility. Trees are broken off or uprooted, structural damage likely. Beaufort scale 10.jpg Storm warning.svg
55–63 mph
48–55 knot 29–41 ft
24.5–28.4 m/s
11 Violent storm 103–117 km/h 11.5–16 m Exceptionally high waves. Very large patches of foam, driven before the wind, cover much of the sea surface. Very large amounts of airborne spray severely reduce visibility. Widespread vegetation and structural damage likely. Beaufort scale 11.jpg
64–73 mph
56–63 knot 37–52 ft
28.5–32.6 m/s
12 Hurricane force ≥ 118 km/h ≥ 14 m Huge waves. Sea is completely white with foam and spray. Air is filled with driving spray, greatly reducing visibility. Severe widespread damage to vegetation and structures. Debris and unsecured objects are hurled about. Beaufort scale 12.jpg Storm warning.svg

Storm warning.svg
≥ 74 mph
≥ 64 knot ≥ 46 ft
≥ 32.7 m/s

Esta escala es muy útil para decidir si se puede navegar o no, dependiendo de nuestra habilidad comonavegantes.

Número de Beaufort Velocidad del viento (km/h) Nudos (millas náuticas/h) Denominación Aspecto del mar Efectos en tierra
0 0 a 1 < 1 Calma Despejado Calma, el humo asciende verticalmente
1 2 a 5 1 a 3 Ventolina Pequeñas olas, pero sin espuma El humo indica la dirección del viento
2 6 a 11 4 a 6 Flojito (Brisa muy débil) Crestas de apariencia vítrea, sin romper Se caen las hojas de los árboles, empiezan a moverse los molinos de los campos
3 12 a 19 7 a 10 Flojo (Brisa Ligera) Pequeñas olas, crestas rompientes. Se agitan las hojas, ondulan las banderas
4 20 a 28 11 a 16 Bonancible (Brisa moderada) Borreguillos numerosos, olas cada vez más largas Se levanta polvo y papeles, se agitan las copas de los árboles
5 29 a 38 17 a 21 Fresquito (Brisa fresca) Olas medianas y alargadas, borreguillos muy abundantes Pequeños movimientos de los árboles, superficie de los lagos ondulada
6 39 a 49 22 a 27 Fresco (Brisa fuerte) Comienzan a formarse olas grandes, crestas rompientes, espuma Se mueven las ramas de los árboles, dificultad para mantener abierto el paraguas.
7 50 a 61 28 a 33 Frescachón (Viento fuerte) Mar gruesa, con espuma arrastrada en dirección del viento Se mueven los árboles grandes, dificultad para caminar contra el viento
8 62 a 74 34 a 40 Temporal (Viento duro) Grandes olas rompientes, franjas de espuma Se quiebran las copas de los árboles, circulación de personas muy dificultosa
9 75 a 88 41 a 47 Temporal fuerte (Muy duro) Olas muy grandes, rompientes. Visibilidad mermada Daños en árboles, imposible andar contra el viento
10 89 a 102 48 a 55 Temporal duro (Temporal) Olas muy gruesas con crestas empenachadas. Superficie del mar blanca. Árboles arrancados, daños en la estructura de las construcciones
11 103 a 117 56 a 63 Temporal muy duro (Borrasca) Olas excepcionalmente grandes, mar completamente blanca, visibilidad muy reducida Destrucción en todas partes, lluvias muy intensas, inundaciones muy altas
12 + 118 +64 Temporal huracanado (Huracán) Olas excepcionalmente grandes, mar blanca, visibilidad nula Voladura de autos, árboles, casas, techos y personas. Puede generar un huracan o un tifón

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